Welcome to the website of UBCI

Founded in February 2003 as a non-sectarian Christian interdenominational outreach, United Body of Christ International (UBCI) is pivoted towards promoting unity and love in the body of Christ through mercy act and empowering gospel ‘empowerers’ within the scope of its 12-Point Focus representing missions, outreaches, associate bodies, individuals, organisations and churches.

With a mandate towards networking at both national and international levels,UBCI Visionary and President, Rev. Dr. Margaret Modupe Soremekun while doing some tidying up heard a loud voice say to her:

“You are preaching unity. This is the fastest avenue to network. Your vision will travel like lighting as I will bless you in this way.”

Since that clarion call, Rev. Soremekun has not looked back as UBCI has become a manifestation of the Lord’s purpose in the Body of Christ. With its headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria, UBCI has Chapters in states of Nigeria and in other nations worldwide.

Rev. (Dr.) Margaret Modupe Soremekun, the Visionary and President of United Body of Christ International, received the burden to see the Body of Christ as "ONE" in 1990 when she was used to resolve differences between two churches outside Africa.

welcome to ubci






NEWS UPDATE!!! 21 nights of answers. Theme: It is enough... upcoming events: UBCI International ministers conference comes up soon. Registration attracts a package...





give and it shall be given unto you...



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